Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Weird is Wonderful

There are people who cry when they hear folk music - no matter what.

There are people who eat paper and never have thought to question it.

There are people who listen to you like they're in the car waiting for the light to change, but deep down they really are interested.

There are people who lounge around their house in unconventional clothing.

There are people who have never had sex and people who've had sex twelve times this week and you can't tell them apart because they're equally kind, well adjusted and happy.

There are people who are on the internet until 4 am and you assume they're looking at porn, but actually they're reading about underground rivers and and concrete graveyards and abandoned subway stations.

There are people you've known for ten years and you've never once seen them go to the bathroom because that was the way they wanted it.

There are people who talk to themselves and learn a lot from the conversation.

There are people who are not the target audience or demographic but are the truest fans.

There are people who would jump at the chance to do a pornographic film if asked, but they will never be asked and that's fine too.

There are people who never smile but are very happy.

There are people who hurt their best friends and when asked why they say they don't know, and truly don't.

There are people who enjoy peanut butter, banana, bacon sandwiches and always will.

There are people who have the same hidden opinions and fantasies and together their thoughts are a silent parallel universe where secrets are few.

And then they tell me that there are normal people in the world.

But i don't know what one looks like.

Because I've never met one.

And neither have you. So compare yourself to real people instead.

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