Thursday, June 19, 2014

Great People Do Some Shitty Stuff

So I was lying in bed last night and thinking about allllllll the people in the world….and watching Orange is the New Black. And the character of SoSo said something about how Gandhi used to sleep with two concubines in his bed. Fucking Gandhi had NOT one but two live in sex buddies. I don’t know if that is any way true but it made me think about other powerful public figures that are known for doing “good in the world” and what the rest of their life was like. A reverse example of this would be how Hitler (widely known for doing terrible shit to people) was an artist and loved art and architecture.

So after doing hours of tedious research here is some dirt I could dig up on terrible people:

Nelson Mandela:
A well-known, radical, advocate to end apartheid and widely known for spending nearly 30 years in prison for his activism against the corrupt government of South Africa.
….Did Something Terrible
Founded UmKohonto we Sizwe – which was a radical, underground, military movement that was known as the “terrorist” arm of the ANC and was found guilty of 156 acts of government sabatoge, the torture and execution of captives, taking prisoners, leaving landmines in rural and residential areas, and caused almost 200 deaths.

Martin Luther King Jr:
was an American pastor, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs. Also well known for his “I have a dream speech”
…..Did Something Terrible
Had several extramarital affairs with several women over years and years. He is widely considered to be a “hypocrite” for how much he preached about the sanctity of the bible and then stepped out on his wife. And during the Red Scare of communism – he was allegedly part of the commie movement.

Mother Theresa:
A well known nun and missionary who made it her life’s mission to open charity homes, aid people in impoverished countries, having peaceful selfless devotion to those in need. She also opened thousands of Missionary Homes (basically homeless shelters) across impoverished countries all across the world.
…..Did Something Terrible
Funneled all but 7% of the millions of dollars coming in to support her cause. The Missionary Homes could not feed children, often sexually abused them, tied unruly guests to beds and beat them and also helped spread fatal diseases. The rest of the money was extorted in to several bank accounts across the world. Some of the money was even bribe money from the Haitian dictator to make her support his rule to the people that were impoverished in his country.

Vincent Van Gogh
Largely considered one of the best post-Impressionist artists of all time. His work is considered emotional, deep, innovative, provocative, and bold. He is generally considered one of the best artists of all time and has gone down in history for his struggle with mental illness.
….Did Something Terrible

Continually stalked a “lady of the evening” after having a one night tryst with her. She was disinterested in pursuing something with him but he was insistent and became more and more infatuated with the young prostitute. His obsession reached its peak when he CUT OFF HIS OWN FUCKING EAR to impress the bitch.

And from all I can tell Thomas Edison was apparently a huge douche that hired low key scientists to create and invent this and then patented him in his own name, purposefully electrocuted an elephant to death to prove a point to Tesla, was often drunk, stole money and credit from his associates. He was also a huge asshole to women and children and any type of minority. So Edison, thanks for the electricity that I am currently using to type this…but also FUCK YOU. Bai.

There were THOUSANDS of celebrities like this – Bill Murray had allegations of beating his wife, Eddie Murphy had 8 children by 5 different women and refused to pay child support to any of them, Matthew Broderick killed two people in a car accident and did not go to jail, Suzanne Sommers refused to speak to a pilot who’s mother had cancer (she is a huge poster child for cancer awareness) and then complained to the company about him. Robert Plant liked girls age 11-15 and said the younger the better, Elvis had sleepovers with 12 year old virgins so they couldn’t critique his style….The list goes ON and ON.

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